Study title
Fringe Benefits Survey, 1992
NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The survey deals with fringe benefits in working life, the objective was to map out the extent and distrubution of this type of benefits. The need for the survey was identified by a registration of a one-sided focus on monetary payments in other surveys on income from work.
The data set contains information about demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, features of the work place. payment system, satisfaction with own work, fringe beneftits and attitudes towards fringe benefits. Anonymous information about the respondents' employers can be added to the data set.
Many social science research projects that are financed by the Research Council of Norway gather data from sample surveys. In order to coordinate and take better advantage of scientific and economic resources, the NAVF coordination committee for survey research was established in January 1983. The committee was to have responsibility for the conduct of interview surveys where different scientists could be part of a joint project. The purpose of the committee was to carry on the tentative work of the surveys of 1984, 1986 and 1988. To avoid big thematical variations between applications from different researchers, a frame for eligible research questions was established. The common theme for the survey in 1992 was "fringe benefits at work place". It came in addition to the annual ISSP-survey in 1992.