Study title
Violation and Satisfaction. A Sociology of Law Study of Non-Pecuniary Damages to Victims of Crime. Replication.
Dahlstrand, Karl (Sociology of Law Department , Lund University)
Study number / PID (DOI)
This study is a replication of an original study that was published about 10 years ago in 2012 in the doctoral dissertation "Violation and Satisfaction: A Sociology of Law Study of Non-Pecuniary Damages to Victims of Crime" by Karl Dahlstrand. The replication study was conducted to investigate similarities and changes in the "general legal consciousness" in relation to compensation for violations of crime victims and has been carried out in collaboration with the Swedish Crime Victim Authority, funded by “Ulla V Bondeson's Foundation for socio-legal and criminological research" and with Peter Bergwall as research assistant.
The project collected data through two surveys: one web survey with repondents from the general public, and one postal survey mailed to crime victims who received criminal injury compensation from the Swedish Crime Victim Authority.
For more information on the original study, refer to the catalogue entry for "Violation and Satisfaction. A Sociology of Law Study of Non-Pecuniary Damages to Victims of Crime":
For more information on the replication study and its methods, refer to the (Swedish only) report: "Kränkning och upprättelse. En replikation av en rättssociologisk enkätstudie"
2021 Allmänheten reversed.sav: SPSS file with survey responses from the online survey targeting the general public.
2021 Brottsoffer reversed.sav: SPSS file with survey responses from individuals who have received criminal injury compensation from the Swedish Crime Victim Authority.
The data is also available in .csv format (UTF-8).
Refer to the attached surveys (Swedish) as well as the published report for the survey structure. Refer to the attached code books for variable descriptions.
The survey text answers (single comment field) are not included in this dataset.