Summary information

Study title

Small Party MP Appearances and Contributions Pre and Post-Coronavirus Pandemic, 2019 - 2021


Thompson, L, University of Manchester
Meakin, A, University of Leeds

Study number / PID

856637 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-856637 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This dataset maps the parliamentary activity of House of Commons MPs from x small parties during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic (March 2020 - March 2021). To enable comparisons it also includes the year prior to the pandemic (March 2019 - March 2020). The parties included here are: Alliance, DUP, Green, Liberal Democrat, Plaid Cymru, SDLP, SNP. It firstly includes a mapping document showing which contributions were made virtually and which were made in person on the floor of the House of Commons. Similar information is shown here also for Scottish Labour and Conservative Party MPs. Secondly, it includes all contributions made by these small party MPs across the March 2019 - March 2021 period. This includes: party, name of MP, date of contribution, contribution period (relating to different rules for parliamentary business during the pandemic), type of contribution (virtual/physical) and venue (Commons chamber, Westminster Hall).We tend to think of British Politics as being dominated by two political parties (the Labour Party and the Conservative Party). This is reflected in the style of parliamentary politics at Westminster, in which an elected government is opposed by the 'Official Opposition'. Debate tends to move between the two. Observers of the weekly Prime Minister's Question Time will see a prime demonstration of this, when the leader of the Official Opposition is granted the privilege of speaking from the dispatch box (something which is denied to the leaders of all other parties), and has the opportunity to ask up to six questions to the Prime Minister. The leader of the second opposition party receives two questions. Smaller opposition parties receive no such guarantee of a question. This two party dominance is therefore reinforced by parliamentary procedures, which grant greater speaking time as well as committee memberships to the largest opposition party. But small parties have played pivotal roles throughout nineteenth and twentieth...
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Data collection period

18/03/2019 - 17/03/2021


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

We used a content analysis of contributions to House of Commons debates between 18 March 2019 and 17 March 2021. This two-year time frame enables us to compare contributions made by small parties during the pandemic with a conventional parliamentary year. Parliament’s online records of individual MP contributions were used to gather all speeches, interventions and oral questions by each small party MP across this two year period. We coded the type of contribution made (speech, intervention, question) and whether the MP was participating from the chamber or virtually. From April 2020, Hansard highlighted virtual contributions by MPs with a [V] following their name. This was sometimes inaccurate and so a random sample of contributions were further checked against the Parliament TV database , as well as any occasion in which an MP deviated from their typical parliamentary behaviour. This enabled us to correct some unintentional errors in the Official Report.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.

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