Summary information

Study title

Project 'Long shadow of Sobibor' Survivors: Interview 02 Semion Rozenfeld (Semjon Rosenfeld, Semyon Rozenfeld)


S. Leydesdorff (copyright on interview) (Universiteit van Amsterdam - dep. of Arts, Religion and Cultu)
M. Huffener (project manager) (Stichting Sobibor)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-xte-uxpb (DOI)

easy-dataset:52201 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

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Semion Rozenfeld was born and grew up in Ternivka, a shtetl in Ukraine. He had two sisters, his father was a taylor. Semion graduates from secondary school before enlisting in the Soviet army at age eighteen. He was wounded during heavy fighting and was made POW by the German army. After a stay in a concentration camp in Minsk he was deported to Sobibor, where he was elected for forced labour. Semion took an active part in the revolt.After the revolt he was in hiding in a den under the ground in Poland for some time. When the area where Semion had been hiding was liberated in the summer of 1944, he again joined the Red Army to fight with them. After the liberation he returned to his place of birth, Ternivka, but found no one of his relatives any more. When he learned that a brother of his father in the closeby town of Khoshchevato was still alive, he went there. He married his uncle's daughter, Yevgeniya, on January 15, 1946. The couple moved to Gayvoron, where they raised their two sons. They followed their children to Odessa in 1975 and emigrated to Israel in 1990. Semion commemorates the Sobibor revolt together with a handful of other survivors every five years.Please go to the interview on by following the link in 'Relations'. Here you will find the interview with extra functionalities like subtitles and a search engine.--- Description in Dutch ---Semion Rozenfeld is geboren en getogen in Ternivka, een sjtetl in Oekraïne. Hij heeft twee zussen, zijn vader is kleermaker. Voordat Semion op achttienjarige leeftijd dienst doet in het Sovjetleger rondt hij zijn middelbare school af. Bij zware gevechten raakt hij gewond en wordt krijgsgevangen gemaakt door het Duitse leger. Na een verblijf in een concentratiekamp in Minsk wordt hij naar Sobibor gedeporteerd. In Sobibor wordt hij uitgekozen om dwangarbeid te verrichten.Semion neemt actief deel aan de opstand. Na de opstand houdt hij zich een tijd in Polen schuil in een kuil onder de grond. Als...
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DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

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