Study title
Mikrocensus 1979, 3. quarter: Smoking Habits, Job Hunting
Statistics Austria (N/A)
Study number / PID
doi:10.11587/F9DS0J (DOI)
Data access
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The microcensus has been carried out since the 1970s and has been repeatedly adapted to changing circumstances over time. The last major reform took place in 2014.
This Mikrozensus survey contains two special programs: smoking habits and job seeking Smoking habits: Smoking poses a public health problem since it is a risk factor in connection with several diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc.).Therefore, it is an important aiming point for preventive measures. In 1972 a Mikrozensus special survey had already been conducted on this topic (Mikrozensus MZ7201). Since then a lot of public as well as private educational work on the dangers had been done, sometimes even active intervention. Proposed by the Federal Ministry of Health and environmental protection, the study on smoking habits is now repeated. Most questions from the 1972 survey were posed again to ensure comparability. In consequence, this study does not only help with the development of new preventive measures against the so called associated diseases but it is also an examination of the effectiveness of already existing measures. Job seeking: The survey was conducted to complement the monthly statistic on persons who filed for unemployment at an unemployment office. It gives additional information on people searching for a job who did not file for unemployment at any unemployment office and who are therefore not include in the monthly statistics. This includes all unemployed people (those who lost a job as well as housewives, students, etc.) who might be looking for job as well as those who want to change their workplace because they are dissatisfied with their current job. Some questions on the topic of job seeking were already posed in the Mikrozensus survey in June 1987 (Mikrozensus MZ7802)