Summary information

Study title

Eenzaamheid onder werkenden, werklozen en arbeidsongeschikten 1982


J. de Jong-Gierveld (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Fac. sociaal-culturele wetenschappen, vakgroep methoden en technieken)
M.P.M. de Goede (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Fac. sociale wetenschappen, vakgroep grondslagen en methoden PAW)
G.H. Maassen (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Fac. sociale wetenschappen, vakgroep grondslagen en methoden PAW (primary investigator))

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-zmr-g6db (DOI)

STAR: P0941

easy-dataset:32028 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Development of a Rasch-type loneliness scale.

Number of important relationships / most important and second important person e.g. husband, partner, relatives, neighbour etc. / conversation topics with most important and second important person / being the most important person for other people and type of discussed problems / wish to improve achieved relationships / wish to get new relationships / satisfaction with achieved relationships / r's self rating concerning relationships / kind of relationship with husband / wife / partner / unmarried respondents and respondents who are not living together: missing a partner / husband / wife / feeling lonely at present or in the past / r's description of some personality characteristics / development of a Rasch-type loneliness scale / deprivation / abandonment / missing companionship.

Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment


Not available


Data collection period

01/02/1982 - 31/12/1982


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Not available



DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year


Terms of data access

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