Study title
100 Minutes of Art 2019: Entries in the Taidepassi Participation Diary
Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE)
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3410 (URN)
The data in this dataset were collected as part of the 100 Minutes of Art campaign. The aim of the campaign was to increase the meaning and importance of art and culture in people's lives and in social and health services communities. Participation in the campaign was possible for both individuals and communities. Art and culture and the activities related to them were defined by the participants. This dataset consists of the participants' entries in the Taidepassi participation diary. Consent for archiving was given for 3,800 entries in the diaries. The number of entries made by an individual participant varies. The campaign was funded and conducted by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE). For each entry, the data include the name of the art or culture related activity and a description of its meaning and significance for the participant. Additionally, the time the respondents spent on the activity is included. The participants could also indicate what effects they felt during the activity by circling different symbols. Background information included the date when the activity took place and the participant's ID and group. Different entries by the same participant can be connected by using the participant ID. The participants belong either to the "individual" or the "community" group. This dataset can be connected to the two other datasets collected as part of the 100 Minutes of Art campaign: FSD3406 100 Minutes of Art 2019: Individuals and FSD3407 100 Minutes of Art 2019: Communities. The dataset is only available in Finnish.