Summary information

Study title

Long-Term Changes in Nutrition, Welfare and Productivity in Britain; Physical and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Boys Recruited into the Marine Society, 1770-1873


Floud, R., University of Cambridge, Emmanuel College

Study number / PID

2134 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-2134-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

To use information about the heights of the British since the middle of the eighteenth century to describe their nutritional status and to explore its relationship to the welfare and productivity of that population
Main Topics:

Height, age, occupation of boy and parent, place of residence, date of recruitment, ability to read and write, date of apprenticeship if relevant, whether had smallpox, nearest relative (kinship category, name)


Data collection period




Time dimension

Time Series

Analysis unit

Naval recruits
Army recruits
Young people


Poor boys aged 12-18 (mostly 13-16) which the Marine Society recruited clothed and sent as servants to the Navy or as apprentices to merchant ships; those very short or unfit excluded, England 1770-1873.

Sampling procedure

The data were sampled for time periods in which the Society did not change the height standards for recruitment: 1770-75, 1780-83, 1792-93, 1800-04, 1811-13, 1816-17, 1818-20, 1821-23, 1824-25, 1826-28, 1838-39, 1842-44, 1845-47 and 1860-61. It was intended to get samples of about 500 cases for each date period (if that number were recruited in the period), and a systematic sample was taken of the MSYO and MSYQ datasets, keeping the proportion of each in the samples the same as in the total population. The samples also, however, incorporate some early samples of MSYO birth cohort data, for dates of birth 1756-57, 1778 and 1798 (a random sample of a quarter of the data were taken for the last two dates)

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Compilation or synthesis of existing material



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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Not available