Study title
Contribution of the French Middle Class to Economic Growth
Dierkes, Meinolf (Forschungsstelle für empirische Sozialökonomik, Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA0306, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Status of the rationalization efforts of France´s medium-sized
companies, their expansion efforts as well as their ability to adapt to
the structural change of a growing economy.
Topics: Attitude to government economic policy; judgement on economic
development; size of company; management; product policy; planning;
investment behavior; storekeeping; export development; productivity;
machinery; office equipment; personnel and social matters; cooperation
with other companies; profit development; expenditures for research and
development; utilization of external consultants; existence of an
organization plan; financing behavior and willingness to go into debt;
openness to innovation; willingness to expand; taxation mentality; tax
climate; attitude to the tax system, tax reduction, tax equity;
relations between taxpayers and tax authorities; attitude to
possibilities for legal and illegal tax saving; opinions on tax evasion
and appropriate penalty; attitude to the government (sympathy scale),
to competition and to the job of the entrepreneur; time worked each
week; job satisfaction; professional further education; attitude to
employment of women; achievement incentive or bonus system in the
company; provision for old age; party preference; religiousness; social
Demography: age (classified); sex; school education; further
education; occupation; professional position; professional career;
regional origins.