Summary information

Study title

Contested development?: intimate partner violence and women's employment in urban and rural Tanzania


Watts, C, Ms Seema Vyas

Study number / PID

850417 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-850417 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Study aims: To improve understanding of the relationship between women's employment and risk of intimate partner violence in urban and rural Tanzania, and explore the policy and conceptual implications.Methodology: The 18 month study will involve the analysis of high quality data collected from Dar-es-Salaam, and a contrasting rural site, Mbeya. The survey asked women about their experience of physical and sexual partner violence. Data were also collected about women's financial autonomy, decision making and coping strategies. Descriptive information about respondents and their partners were also collected. The analysis will be used to better understand the extent to which, in each setting, women's employment and financial autonomy may either reduce women's risk of violence, and potentially make it more feasible for women to challenge or leave violent relationships, or conversely, whether employment may be associated with increased risk.Complementary qualitative research in both sites will explore how poor women engaged in formal or informal employment activities outside the home describe the impact of their work on their household roles and relationships, including the risk of violence; and whether these have changed over time. The strategies used by poor women to mediate the potential risk of violence will also be explored.



Data collection period

01/04/2008 - 31/03/2010



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

There were two qualitative data collection methods: 1. In-depth interviews 2. Focus group discussionsQualitative methodological approachData were collected in two sites in Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam (DES) and Mbeya). In each site IDI were conducted with individual men and women and FGD were conducted with group of between 8-10 participants. A purposive sampling strategy was employed to identify men and women in low socioeconomic status groups in the two sites. Women participants were of reproductive age (15-49) engaged in income generating activities and were selected from the market place. A list of markets in the same districts that were sampled for the household survey was drawn up and randomly selected (four markets were randomly selected within each site). Women participants were then randomly selected within the market. Male participants were partnered with women engaged in income generating activities and were selected from areas where poor men work (e.g. construction sites and local transport). In-depth interviews: The number of IDI conducted were: 36 among women engaged in income generating activities (20 DES; 16 Mbeya)20 among men partnered with women engaged in income generating activities (10 DES; 10 Mbeya) Focus group discussions: The number of FGD conducted were:12 among women engaged in income generating activities (6 DES; 6 Mbeya)8 among men partnered with women engaged in income generating activities (4 DES; 4 Mbeya)

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

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Not available