Summary information

Study title

Staat van het land : GPD enquête 1998


B.M.S. van Praag, SEO, UVA, J.P. Hop, SEO, Universiteit van Amsterdam (primary investigator)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-z77-zy5k (DOI)

STAR: P1606

easy-dataset:31718 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


This round of GPD surveys (GPD = Geassocieerde Pers Diensten = Associated Press Services ), a voluntary reply regional newspaper survey, was held in january1998 and covers various topics like lifesituation, work and unemployment, housing, environment, time-spending, income and spending, health and political and social opinions. Themes: Child care / work: status of occupation, employment, unemployment, starting year first job, duration of current employment, working hours, nr. of vacation days, commuting, job security; unemployed: duration expection, last income, job seeking / housing: age of house, type of dwelling, ownership, costs: rent, mortgage etc., value of house, rent, subsidy, garden, balcony, isolation, urbanization, annoyances, satisfaction with house, neighbourhood, town, available services, social contacts / Time budget / Financial situation: expenses, income, sources of income, income stability, career perspective, flexible working, retirement, satisfaction with income level / Politics: voting behaviour, vote intention, labour union membership, important issues in life / Religion: religious affiliation, denomination, church attendance, religious attitudes / satisfaction with political and social institutions and policies, judgement on, sympathy for prominent politicians, immigration, ethnic minorities, multicultural society, opinion on Europeans, contacts with allochtoneous, EU, monetary union, the Euro / Work, behaviour and health: opinion on working conditions, satisfaction with living conditions, health complaints, weight, heigth, worries, personal problems, mood, loneliness, smoking, drinking, use of drugs, quality of life, lottery, gambling. Background variables include: sex, age, type of family, marital status, number of children, country of birth.


Not available


Data collection period

17/01/1998 - 17/01/1998


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Not available



DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year


Terms of data access

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Related publications

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