Summary information

Study title

Baseline and endline socio-economic data from a randomised control trial of the Watershared intervention in the Bolivian Andes 2010-2016


Bottazzi, P, Bangor University
Vargas Rios, M, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Asquith, N, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Crespo, D, Independent consultant
Vidaurre, T, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
García, M, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Miler Guzmán, R, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Gonzales, L, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Vallejos, H, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Pérez Guzman, B, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Avila Becerra, F, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Toledo, D, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
García, J, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Gibbons, J, Bangor University
Mojica García, B, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Severiche, J, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Talavera, E, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Velásquez, E, Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Jones, J, Bangor University

Study number / PID

853795 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-852623 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Household level data - some variables were not collected in the end line (due to problems of comprehension, some questins were dropped from the end line and these are not included in the archived data). Some variables were processed when it made sense and reintroduced in the database. This sheet therefore contains all variables that were collected in both the baseline and the end line and additional variables which were added in the end line, and some calculated variables. The number of entries are different in the baseline (2623) and the end line (1751). This is because some households were only surveyed in the baseline and not in the end line, as they could not be contacted again (they may have moved away or were not available during the end line survey despite multiple visits). An additional 57 households not in the baseline are included in the endline. The collection also contains a table which links to the household survey via the unique indentifier ID_HOGAR and presents data on cases of diarrhea among children (Child_Diarrhea). Each entry of this table presents the information for each child under 16 years old belonging to each household. If the household (linked to the household table through ID_HOGAR) has no children one line is still added mentioning “0” under “Nb_of_children”. The sheet gives information about the number of times each child under 16 years old had diarrhoea in the last 12 months before both baseline and end line surveys. The third dataset provides information (from the end line only) on the management of a selected number of conservation contracts per household (Conservation_Contract). It is structured according to the conservation agreements (each entry corresponds to one agreement). Each household in the Household dataset (linked here through the unique identifier ID_HOGAR can have several contracts). This information was collected for all the household’s level 1 and level 2 contracts and was only collected on level 3 contracts if...
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Data collection period

01/01/2010 - 13/04/2016



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

A household survey was first implemented in 2010 on 2623 households belonging to 136 communities. 50% of the communities were randomly selected (stratified according to the number of cattle and the human population size in communities). From 2011 to 2014 households in the treatment communities were offered the opportunity to enrol their land in Watershared contracts (a Payment for Ecosystem Service like scheme with in-kind incentives). From September 2015 to April 2016 a follow-up survey was carried out with as many of the initial 2623 households as could be found. We were able to reach 1694 households (including 113 in the treatment and 681 in the control) in the follow up. The drop outs were because some households had moved away, the household’s head had died, or we could not refind the households despite up to five attempts. An additional 57 were also surveyed in the endline.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collection to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to the data, then contact our Access Helpdesk.

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