Data deposited here is on a repeated (longitudinal) household survey to track PCV13 vaccine coverage in infants in a rural area of Lilongwe district, Malawi, 2012-2014.
The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was introduced in Malawi from November 2011 using a three dose primary series at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age to reduce Streptococcus Pneumoniae-related diseases. To date PCV13 paediatric coverage in Malawi has not been rigorously assessed. We used household surveys to longitudinally track paediatric PCV13 coverage in rural Malawi.
We surveyed a total of 8,562 children in six surveys; 82% were in the older age group. Overall, in age-eligible children, two-dose and three-dose coverage increased from 30% to 85% and 10% to 86%, respectively, between March 2012 and June 2014. PCV13 coverage was higher in the older age group in all surveys. Although it varied by basin, PCV13 coverage was consistently delayed: median ages at first, second and third doses were 9, 15 and 21 weeks, respectively.
In our rural study area PCV13 introduction did not meet the Malawi Ministry of Health one-year three-dose 90% coverage target, but after two years reached levels likely to reduce the prevalence of both invasive and non-invasive paediatric pneumococcal diseases. Better adherence to the PCV13 schedule may reduce pneumococcal disease in younger Malawian children.
To assess the burden of clinical and hypoxaemic pnemonia at village clinic, health centre and hospital levels in Malawi in the context of PCV13 pneumococcal vaccine roll-out.