Study title
The transformation project: Transferring knowledge to transform project management practice 2009-2011
Butler, M, Aston University
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-850673 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The transformation project's remit is to transfer existing academic knowledge to transform project management practice.
The research team have published articles related to actor network theory, social networks and receptivity to organisational change. This work has been used in partnership with our project partners through a series of workshops to create two new and innovative toolsets:
Actor Analysis Toolset
Receptivity for Change Toolset.
They are being used in specific projects identified by our partners to improve their management practice, and have already helped the ANPR project manager with Warwickshire Police to secure funding from their Business Improvement Board to successfully implement the project across the Warwickshire region - targets have been exceeded.
The toolsets have also facilitated Playgroup, a London advertising agency, to restructure their organisation to enhance new product development.
More impact data is currently being collected in these organisations, and the toolsets and being rolled out to Birmingham Local Education Partnership, Echo Managed Services and NHS Warwickshire. Further interest has been developed from our conference, seminars and web site and a workbook will be produced.
The Project has also been supported by Associated British Foods, DHL Supply Chain and the Association for Project Management (APM).
The research team is also learning from our project partners and capturing the knowledge exchange in case studies and journal articles.