Summary information

Study title

Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of ingroup norms and individual preferences (CATSL)


Köbrich, Julia ( German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Universiteit Utrecht)
Martinović, Borja ( Universiteit Utrecht)
Stark, Tobias H. ( Universiteit Utrecht)
Hoffmann, Lisa ( German Institute for Global and Area Studies)

Study number / PID

10.7802/2607 (GESIS)

10.7802/2607 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The published data and documents provide information to replicate the analyses of the paper "Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of ingroup norms and individual preferences" by Julia Köbrich, Borja Martinović and Tobias Stark that will be published in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Data were collected as part of the project 'Religion for Peace: Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace' conducted at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies funded by the German Research Foundation. The data include information for two independent samples on descriptive and injunctive norms, individual preferences for similar others, close contact, positive and negative casual contact, interreligious attitudes as well as demographic information. The R-syntax replicates analyses for Study 1 and Study 2 reported in the paper and its online supplement. Data for Study 1 were collected via self-administered questionnaires by a non-probability sample between 13.09.2022 and 05.10.2022. Enumerators used their social (media) networks to spread participation links. Individuals who gave informed consent and indicated that they were residents of Togo or Sierra Leone were eligible to participate in the study. The published data include information on Muslim and Christian participants and removed potential duplicate respondents as well as those with missing values on all reported variables (N=678, 27 variables). Respondents had the choice to complete the questionnaire in English or Krio in Sierra Leone and in French or Ewe in Togo. All Sierra Leonean respondents completed the questionnaire in English and all Togolese respondents in French. Data for Study 2 were collected as part of a household survey conducted in 50 neighborhoods in Lomé and Freetown (capitals of Togo and Sierra Leone) via computer assisted personal interviewing (Data collection in Lomé: 24.10.2022 to 08.11.2022; in Freetown: 26.11.2022 to...
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Not available


Data collection period

01/09/2022 - 01/12/2022


Sierra Leone, Gehen

Time dimension


Analysis unit

Not available


Muslim and Christian adults that are residents of Togo and Sierra Leone

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview:CAPI(Computer Assisted Personal Interview)/CAMI(Computer Assisted Mobile Interviews); Self-administered questionnaire:CAWI(Computer-assisted web interviewing)



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

Free access (with registration) - The research data can be downloaded by registered users.

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