Study title
Ethnic Organizations Online (EO2) Dataset
Gremler, Frederik ( Universität Konstanz)
Weidmann, Nils ( Universität Konstanz)
Data access
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With the increasing relevance of ethnic groups as political actors, the literature has attempted to identify and study the ethnic organizations representing these groups. How do these organizations use digital communication channels to reach their domestic and international audiences? To enable research on these questions, we have developed the Ethnic Organizations Online (EO2) dataset, a new data collection focusing on the online channels that ethnic organizations use. The dataset includes four types of channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and regular websites. It relies on the Ethnic Power Relations -- Organizations database, and is therefore compatible with an entire family of datasets on ethnic politics. Featuring more than 2,000 online channels used by 265 groups, it allows researchers to study a wide variety of questions related to digital ethnic mobilization.
This repository contains the dataset, codebook, and further information on working with the dataset. A paper titled "Ethnic Politics via Digital Means: Introducing the Ethnic Organizations Online (EO2) Dataset" is forthcoming in Journal of Peace Research.