Summary information

Study title

Corporate Governance and Economic Performance, 1997-1998


Sadler, G., University of Warwick, Warwick Business School
Conyon, M., University of Warwick

Study number / PID

4399 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4399-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The main aims of the project were to:
  • examine the nature of corporate governance innovations that have occurred in UK companies since the publication of the Cadbury and Greenbury reports
  • test the company performance consequences of adopting particular governance systems, reward structures and incentive mechanisms
  • examine in detail the reward systems of senior managers and test the link between compensation and performance using competing theories of executive pay (e.g. tournament theory).

Main Topics:

File 1: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) compensation data (file ceo-compensation-data). This file contains detailed compensation data for 510 CEOs at the 510 largest UK companies for the fiscal year 1997-1998. The data includes each element of compensation, as well as information on stock options and equity (including restricted or conditional) holdings. Users should note that the following variables have been removed from the data for copyright reasons: MV, Employees, Total_CE, Sales, Sales_Q and Int_Rate. They may still be referenced in the documentation.

File 2: Tournaments data (file tournaments-data). This file contains detailed compensation data for all the named directors (over 1000) at 100 of the UK's largest companies for the fiscal year 1997-1998. The following variables have been removed from the data for copyright reasons: Int_Rate, ROCE and Total_CE. They may still be referenced in the documentation.

The data for both files are mostly compiled from publicly-available annual reports, and include each element of compensation, as well as information on stock options and equity (including restricted or conditional) holdings. Data are also augmented with additional firm level variables such as size and industry as well as the variables necessary to price executive options using the Black-Scholes formula.


Data collection period

Not available


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



Data covers the 510 largest UK companies for the fiscal year 1997-1998.

Sampling procedure

CEO compensation data: the largest 510 UK companies by market capitalisation were included in the sample.
Tournaments data: 100 companies drawn randomly for 150 largest UK firms by market capitalisation.

Kind of data

individual companies

Data collection mode

Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Murphy, K. and Conyon, M. (2000) 'The Prince and the Pauper?: CEO Pay in the United States and United Kingdom', The Economic Journal, 640-671