Summary information

Study title

ISSP National Identity I 1995


Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Klemensova 19, Bratislava 813 64, Slovak Republic,; Magdalena Piscova,

Study number / PID

SASD 1996001 (SASD)

Data access

Information not available


International Social Survey Programme

International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) due to its long-term continuity enables to compare the dynamics of changes of different societies on all continents. At the background of the initiative of research from more countries was the realization of steadily growing need to compare and coordinate research design and aims in international perspective. High methodological level of ISSP and content attractive research themes contributed since 1983 to publication of this document to the enlargement of ISSP members to 44 countries. Every country in ISSP is as a rule represented by one...

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The survey is a part of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social research. ISSP module includes nationalism and patriotism, localism and globalism, and diversity, feeling of "closeness" to home country, relations with other countries, treatment of immigrants and minority groups, political influence, economy, social security, science and technology, international relations, foreign trade restrictions, foreign language education, purchase of land by foreigners, political refugees, citizenship. Beside the ISSP module on National Identity, the questionnaire consists of questions of “Central European addendum” concerned with the image of Central Europe, mutual relationships among the Central European countries, questions concerning euro-atlantic integration of Slovakia, and Austria-Hungary etc. Demographic characteristics are in Slovak -specific form. More on ISSP survey at official webpage:


Data collection period

Not available


Slovak Republic

Time dimension

trend study

Analysis unit



The resident population of the Slovak Republic, persons 18 years old and over.

Sampling procedure

Two-stage proportional sampling procedure.

Kind of data

survey data

Data collection mode

face-to-face interviews



Slovak Archive of Social Data SASD

Publication year

Not available

Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

  • PISCOVÁ, Magdalena. K priestorovej a hodnotovej identite /Pohľad na štyri krajiny podľa výsledkov výskumu národnej identity/. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review. ISSN 0049-1225, 2000, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 103-110.
  • Buncak, Jan and Piscova, M., "Modern National Identity of Slovaks and their Attitudes toward Europe," in Social Science in Eastern Europe, edited by Pal Tamas and Ulrike Becker. Berlin: InformationsZentrum Sozialwissenschaften, 2001.
  • PISCOVÁ, Magdalena - MANNOVÁ, Elena. Národná identita a hodnoty spoločnosti. In Zborník analyticko-prognostických štúdií k prognóze rozvoja Slovenska do roku 2010. - Bratislava : PÚ SAV, 2002, s. 32-35.
  • ISSP references are availiable on the official ISSP webpage:
  • Piscova, Magdalena, et al.: Národná identita – pramenná publikácia z výskumu. Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava 1996.
  • Bahna, M., Piscová, M., Tížik, M. (2009): Shaping of national identity in the processes of separation and integration in central and eastern Europe.” In.: Haller, M., Jowell, R., Smith T. W. (eds.): Charting The Globe. The International Social Survey Program, 1985 – 2005. Routledge, 2009, New York, London.
  • Piscova, Magdalena, et al.: Aspekty národnej identity a národná identita v strednej Európe. Záverečná správa z projektu štátnej objednávky 95/5305/065, Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava, 1997.
  • BUNČÁK, J. - PISCOVÁ, Magdalena. Modern National Identity of Slovaks and Their Attitude Towards Europe. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review : časopis pre otázky sociológie. ISSN 0049-1225, 2000, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 289-310.
  • Buncak, Jan and Piscova, M., "Modern National Identity of Slovaks and their Attitudes toward Europe," in Social Science in Eastern Europe, edited by Pal Tamas and Ulrike Becker. Berlin: InformationsZentrum Sozialwissenschaften, 2001.
  • Bahna, M., Piscová, M., Tížik, M. (2009): Shaping of national identity in the processes of separation and integration in central and eastern Europe.” In.: Haller, M., Jowell, R., Smith T. W. (eds.): Charting The Globe. The International Social Survey Program, 1985 – 2005. Routledge, 2009, New York, London.
  • PISCOVÁ, Magdalena - MANNOVÁ, Elena. Národná identita a hodnoty spoločnosti. In Zborník analyticko-prognostických štúdií k prognóze rozvoja Slovenska do roku 2010. - Bratislava : PÚ SAV, 2002, s. 32-35.
  • Piscova, Magdalena, et al.: Národná identita – pramenná publikácia z výskumu. Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava 1996.
  • PISCOVÁ, Magdalena. K priestorovej a hodnotovej identite /Pohľad na štyri krajiny podľa výsledkov výskumu národnej identity/. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review. ISSN 0049-1225, 2000, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 103-110.
  • Piscova, Magdalena, et al.: Aspekty národnej identity a národná identita v strednej Európe. Záverečná správa z projektu štátnej objednávky 95/5305/065, Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava, 1997.
  • BUNČÁK, J. - PISCOVÁ, Magdalena. Modern National Identity of Slovaks and Their Attitude Towards Europe. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review : časopis pre otázky sociológie. ISSN 0049-1225, 2000, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 289-310.
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