Study title
EFTA Barometer (Fall 1992)
EOS Gallup Europe, Chaumont-Gistoux, Belgien
Study number / PID
ZA2339, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude to European unification and the EC. Topics: satisfaction with
democracy; interest in politics; personal opinion leadership; frequency
of obtaining news from television, radio and newspapers; identity as
European; attitude to unification of Western Europe and a European
Government responsible to a European Parliament; European unification
as contrast to national cultural identity; importance of European
questions for the future of one´s own country; self-assessment of
extent to which informed about the EC, European politics and European
institutions; knowledge about the Common Market 1992/93; hopes or
concerns regarding membership of the EFTA in the Common Market;
attitude to membership of one´s own country in the EC; preferred period
until full membership of the country; advantageousness of EC membership
for one´s own country; regret of failure of the EC; preference for
national or European responsibility in selected political areas;
attitude to the Treaty of Maastricht; self-assessment of extent to
which informed about the Maastricht Treaty; perceived loss of national
identity in the course of the European unification process.