Study title
Sibling Children 1982
Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6069, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Influence of family and sibling relations on development of young
people (supplemental form for parents).
Topics: Frequency of leisure activities (scale); common organization
of leisure time with sibling A and desired frequency; equal treatment
of siblings by parents; emotional relation with sibling A; trust and
harmony in one's family; influence on personal decisions by others
(scale); assessment of parental relation; occupational qualification
of parents; reference persons with problems in school, politics,
friendship, sexuality, love, fashion, leisure time; self-assessment
of condition of health; age at first menstruation or when voice has
broken; attitudes in comparison with sibling A; significance of high
school achievement; class level; year of first day at school;
education path sought after school degree; school attitudes and
conduct; willingness to accept social functions; relations with
classmates and teachers; reasons for achievement of demands of the
teacher; effort for maintenance of discipline; interest in cultural,
sociable, social activities (scale); willingness to accept a
physically difficult, dirty job (scale); willingness to accept a
poorly paid job (scale); supplemental form for parents: assessment of
the relation of siblings A and B at various points in time; common
hobbies and friends of siblings A and B; comparison of frequency of
various activities of siblings A and B (scale); importance of various
factors for structuring family life (scale); equal treatment of the
siblings by mother or father; priority influence on upbringing of
child A or B by mother or father; age and occupational qualification
of parents; total number of siblings; child-raising of the children
by natural parents.