Summary information

Study title

Judging offenders: the role of observers' emotions


Wood, J, University of Kent

Study number / PID

850363 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-850363 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This research will conduct two studies. In study one participants' trait empathy will be assessed and then state empathy will be induced in half the sample. The other half will have no emotions induced (controls). Participants will then make judgements regarding: an offender's remorse; responsibility for the offence; likelihood of reoffending; and an appropriate punishment. Study two will duplicate study one but extend it by assigning participants to one of three conditions, where the offender has either: signed a confession and expressed remorse: signed a confession without expressing remorse: neither confessed nor shown remorse. Participants will make the same judgements as in study one. In the second part of study two participants will discuss the case in groups and make group judgements of the offender. The results will tell us whether state or trait emotions influence people's judgements and how trait and state emotions interact. Results will also tell us if an offender's expression of remorse and/or confession interacts with participants' state or trait emotions and affects judgements made individually or in a group. This information will be useful to help identify the potential impact of emotions in legal decisions and how emotions may bias the judicial process.



Data collection period

01/09/2008 - 30/11/2009


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Two studies were conducted. Data was collected for both studies using a mock-juror decision-making task. Transcripts of a fictional criminal trial were presented to participants, who then completed a questionnaire containing scales measuring their state and trait empathy, attributions of defendant remorse and responsibility, and judgements of the defendant (e.g. verdict, appropriate punishment).In study 1, 158 individual participants took part.In study 2, 288 individual participants took part. All collected data were supplied by each individual participant, although the study was conducted in groups of six participants (N = 48) in order to examine the effect of group discussion on individual judgements.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

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Not available