Study title
Family and Leisure Time (1954)
Forschungsinstitut für Sozial- und Verwaltungswissenschaften, Universität zu Köln
Study number / PID
ZA0147, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Family structure and leisure time behavior of the Cologne population.
Topics: Assessment of the individual economic situation; attitude to
reduction in working hours versus wage increase; housing conditions;
family size; family life; attitude to marriage and family; first
intimate relations and pre-marital sexual intercourse; hobbies; club
membership; party membership; behavior at the polls in the state
parliament election 1954; detailed determination of leisure time
behavior; reading habits and media usage; religiousness; class index;
index of authority relationships in one´s family.
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; family composition;
number of children; religious denomination; school education;
vocational training; further education; occupation; employment; income;
household income; size of household; composition of household;
possession of durable economic goods; membership.
Interviewer rating: willingness to cooperate; presence of other
persons; sincerity of the responses; condition of residence; social
class of respondent.