Study title
Regional Election Investigation (Middle Franconia)
Study number / PID
ZA0046, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Nationalist tendencies among the voters in Middle Franconia.
Topics: Judgement on one´s own economic situation in comparison to
earlier; expectations of future economic development (Katona
questions); party preference; political knowledge; politician scale;
sympathy scale for the SPD, CSU, FDP and NPD; issue ability of the
parties; image of the parties and of an ideal party; semantic
differential for the FDP; associations with the term ´liberal´;
perceived influence of associations and special interest groups on the
Bavarian state government; evaluation of the state government; attitude
to selected areas of state politics; attitude to a three-party system;
judgement on measures against communism; attitude to the NPD; behavior
at the polls in previous Federal Parliament and state parliament
elections; party preference; memberships; newspapers read; local
residency; religiousness.
Scales: nationalism, dogmatism, racism, educational goals,
understanding of democracy, antisemitism.
Demography: possession of durable economic goods; head of household;
marital status; employment; occupation; age (classified); school
education; vocational training; social origins; party membership;
refugee status; religious denomination; sex.
Interviewer rating: social class and willingness of respondent to
cooperate; number of contact attempts; city size.