Summary information

Study title

Level of Living Survey on Health, 2019, County


Statistics Norway

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Health Survey

The Level of Living Surveys on Health aims to monitor the health status of the Norwegian population. Key topics are diseases, effects of illness, symptoms of health problems, functional ability, living habits, and the use of health services. It is thus a broad concept of health that is mapped. In addition, information about the household, work, social contact and activity is mapped to look at the state of health in relation to other important living conditions.


Statistics Norway has conducted surveys on people's health status periodically since its inception in 1968, and from 1998 health was included in the thematically rotating living conditions surveys. This changed in 2015, when the survey was merged with the EU's health survey EHIS. Previously, the living conditions survey on health was conducted every 3-4 years, but in future it will be conducted every 6 years. The Level of Living Survey on Health is a cross-sectional survey, and it is in addition to the Annual Living Conditions Surveys (EU-SILC). The Level of Living Survey on Health aims to monitor the health status of the Norwegian population. Key topics are diseases, effects of illness, symptoms of health problems, functional ability, living habits, and the use of health services. It is thus a broad concept of health that is mapped. In addition, information on the household, work, social contact and activity is mapped to look at the state of health in relation to other important living conditions. The purpose of Level of Living Survey on Health is twofold. They must first obtain indicator information on individual topics in the field of living conditions, on the extent of a phenomenon, how it develops and how it is distributed in the population. Secondly, the surveys cover cross-cutting thematic information. The surveys provide an opportunity to provide an overall picture of a broad field that includes one or more topics, in addition to having information about the connection between different topics or variables at individual / household level. This is the county file, a regional file is also available. This is the second version of the datafile which includes variables on income from register data.


Not available


Data collection period

05/08/2019 - 21/12/2019


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Persons aged 16 years and older.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available