Study title
Survey on Diets Among 2-Year-Olds, 1999
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
This survey was carried out by Statistics Norway, on assignment from the State Council for Nutrition and Physical Activity. The purpose of the survey was to map out the eating habits of 2-year-old children, so that authorities and public health clinics more easily can promote good nutrition and prevent nutrition related health problems in this age group. This is the first national survey on nutrition among children in this age group.
The gross sample consisted of 3000 children born in the time period between 08.03.2007 till 27.03.1997. Only children of mothers born in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and only one child per twin or triplet set are included in the sample. The gross sample consisted of 1579 boys and 1421 girls. From the 3000 forms that were distributed, 1727 were returned in a completed condition. This gives a response rate of 58 percent.
The survey was carried out through a postal questionnaire. The form includes the following topics:
- Weight and lenght at birth and at age 2.
- Background questions about the child.
- Questions about the childs diet.
- Information about infant nutrition.
- Background questions about the childs mother.