Study title
The Effects of Cohesion of Small Groups on Attitude and Conduct of Soldiers
Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln
Study number / PID
ZA0086, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The content of the study is two-part: 1. Attitude of members of the
Federal German Armed Forces to the Federal German Armed Forces. 2.
Group cohesion.
Topics: Image of the Federal German Armed Forces (semantic
differential); satisfaction in the Federal German Armed Forces and
judgement on leadership style; image of the Federal German Armed Forces
as employer for professional soldiers; recommended advertising measures
to recruit volunteers; evaluation of training opportunities in the
Federal German Armed Forces and the education status of junior
officers; relationship with superiors and comrades (sociogram and
scales); short form of the dogmatism scale; reading Federal German
Armed Forces magazines; trips home; regional origins; friends at the
post; memberships; religiousness.
Demography: age; refugee status; school education; occupation; marital
status; number of siblings; social origins; religious denomination;
military service.