Summary information

Study title

COVID-19 and Brexit: Food Business Survey, 2021


Wilkinson, T, University of Exeter
Lobley, M, University of Exeter
Winter, M, University of Exeter
Guilbert, S, University of Exeter

Study number / PID

855450 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-855450 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This project aimed to explore the impacts of Covid-19 on the food system in England. It was funded by the ESRC via the UKRI call for urgent Covid-19 research. The project convened an expert panel of industry and policy experts to share the impacts of Covid-19 on different parts of the food system. We interviewed those working in the industry. Our monthly bulletins highlighted both good practice and areas of concern as we work towards a resilient and fair food system in the crisis. A survey of food businesses in April-June 2021. The data comprises 164 responses to questionnaire survey. The survey explored the impacts of Covid and Brexit, and the adaptations businesses made in response.

From panic buying to shortages, real or perceived, COVID-19 is leaving its mark on the food system. Whilst media attention has been on retail, the shock has also been felt in the food manufacture, processing, packaging and distribution sectors. In the first weeks of lock-down there have been cases of milk companies cancelling contracts with farmers but other companies have experienced increased demand from supermarket outlets. Fishermen have seen the demand for seafood from the restaurant trade in the UK and the EU dry up. Some are seeking to establish new retail outlets such as home delivery, others are reported not to be fishing. We need to know very rapidly how the supply chain for dairy, fish, flour, fruit and vegetables, and meat is adapting. Critically, what steps might be required to ensure food continues to reach shops and that there is fairness for food workers and for consumers? We will work with a panel of experts to gain and share information about food supplies, and we will interview those working in the industry. Our monthly bulletins will highlight both good practice and areas of concern as we work towards a resilient and fair food system in the crisis.


Data collection period

21/04/2021 - 09/06/2021



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

- Online questionnaire survey hosted on Qualtrics- Survey landing page included link to information sheet and a consent question- Link to survey distributed via email to a stratified sample of food businesses (8000 businesses - stratified by food sector and supply chain stage)---Business contact details purchased from a Business to Business data supplier ---Survey also disseminated by members of the Expert Panel on the ESRC funded Food System Impacts of Covid-19 System project - Survey open from 21st April to 9th June 2021- Data processed in SPSS

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.

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Not available