Study title
Experience with Crime and Fear of Crime of Students
Weyerke, Ulrike (Köln)
Study number / PID
ZA1550, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Fear of crime and experience of students as victims of criminal acts.
Topics: type of personal experience as victim; information on last
experience as victim; time of incident and personal reaction;
consequences for the culprit; presence and assistance of third parties
at the incident; report to the police; conversations about the
incident; personal feelings of fear in the evening or in darkness
(scale); territories avoided in the immediate residential surroundings
as well as reasons for these feelings of fear; reading of reports about
criminal offenses; general personal feelings of fear (scale); sense of
security on the street; personal measures to increase sense of security
and possible behavioral changes for fear of threat; athletic
activities; membership in a political group as well as assumed effects
of political commitment on personal self-confidence and feelings of
Demography: age; sex; city size; housing situation; subject; number of
Also encoded was: faculty.