Summary information

Study title

Finnish Local Government 2004: Inhabitants 1996


Pekola-Sjöblom, Marianne (Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities)
Mäki-Lohiluoma, Kari-Pekka (Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities)

Study number / PID

FSD1207 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1207 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd1207 (DOI)

Data access



Finnish Local Government 2004

The research programme Finnish Local Government 2004 was a joint programme launched by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, universities and research centres. It was funded by Finnish municipalities and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The project engaged in a systematic and comparable analysis of the development of the municipal sector in 1995-2004. The 47 municipalities participating in the programme were representative of the Finnish local government sector. The study programme comprised of 14 research modules. For most modules, data were...

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During its 10-year research period, the Finnish Local Government 2004 Research Programme conducted three extensive citizen surveys. This is the first survey, carried out in 1996. It studied inhabitants' opinions on municipal services and municipal decision-making. Citizens' political participation and political influence were also charted. The respondents' satisfaction with their municipality of residence was probed; they were also asked whether they could imagine living there for the rest of their lives. The respondents were asked to what extent they identified with their neighbourhood, municipality, region, country, Scandinavia, EU or Europe on the whole. Views were probed on how well certain municipal services (public services) functioned and whether the municipality should invest more or less in these services. Services covered were social services, health services, education and cultural services and municipal technical services, including fire and rescue services, land-use planning etc. The respondents were asked whether they had been elected to any office in their municipality. Voting in municipal and other elections was charted. One question investigated whether the candidate the respondent had voted for in the municipal elections had been selected to the council. The respondents' party choice in the 1996 municipal elections and the consistency of party choice in different elections were studied. Membership or participation in non-governmental organizations were charted. The respondents were asked how important it was to them that the candidate they had voted for promoted certain issues or represented certain groups. Political participation was studied by asking the respondents whether they had used certain methods of influencing decision-making (e.g. taking part in demonstrations, signing petitions, contacting decision-makers) and by asking them to rate the effectiveness of these methods. The respondents also evaluated how important different traits and...
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Data collection period

14/11/1996 - 31/03/1997



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



People aged between 18 and 70 living in Finland

Sampling procedure

Probability: Multistage

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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