Summary information

Study title

The acquisition of print-to-meaning links in reading: An investigation using novel writing systems


Rastle, K, Royal Holloway, University of London

Study number / PID

852736 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-852736 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The data collection consists of behavioural measures of performance in laboratory studies in which adults learn to read in novel languages printed in artificial scripts. These studies vary the nature of instruction and the nature of the artificial writing systems. The behavioural measures include learning performance throughout a multiday training period on a variety of training tasks, performance at the end of training on a variety of test tasks, and baseline measures of language and literacy ability. Performance is expressed in both accuracy and reaction time. Text files include full documentation of the archive and methodology. Reading is one of the most remarkable of our cognitive abilities. In a short space of time, most children go from painstakingly sounding out the individual symbols that make up words, to the rapid and seemingly automatic access to meaning from these symbols that skilled readers experience. Literacy has a profound impact on individuals, society, and the economy: amongst other things, it decreases dependency on state benefits and improves participation in the democratic process. Yet, unlike many other of our fundamental capacities (e.g. walking, talking), explicit instruction and practice are necessary in learning to read. To comprehend text, young children learning alphabetic languages start by translating printed words into their spoken forms, and then they use their knowledge of spoken language to recover meaning. This print-to-sound-to-meaning mapping is often referred to as a sub-word process because words are broken down into letters that systematically correspond to sounds before meaning is accessed. Recent advances in the teaching of reading have shown that phonics instruction helps children to develop these sub-word reading skills. Most children then progress to using a more efficient whole-word process whereby meaning is accessed directly from print. However, we know that around 20% of 15-year-old children in the European...
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Data collection period

01/04/2014 - 31/03/2017


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The data in this collection consist of laboratory studies investigating adults' performance in learning to read novel vocabularies printed in artificial scripts. Participants were monolingual adults between the ages of 18 and 40 who were native English speakers. They were sampled from the student and staff community at Royal Holloway University of London, and had no known language or reading disorders. The sample was further characterised by a series of language and literacy measures. These included standard measures of reading, spelling, vocabulary, morpheme sensitivity, and phonological processing. Novel vocabularies printed in artificial scripts were created. Participants learned to read these scripts through a series of tightly controlled training tasks, presented every day for a period of between two and three weeks. The nature of the training method was varied across experiments, as was the nature of the writing system being learned. Learning rates were monitored, and participants engaged in a series of behavioural and associated MRI tests at the end of training.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Data are openly accessible through the Open Science Framework (see Related Resources).

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