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Where Does Work Belong Anymore? The Impact of the COVID19 Pandemic on Working in the UK, 2020-2021
Marks, A, Newcastle University
Mallet, O, University of Stirling
Skountridaki, K, The University of Edinburgh
Zschomler, D, Newcastle University
Study number / PID
855129 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-855129 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
This project adopts two main research instruments - two online questionnaires (2 surveys of circa 1400 UK ‘new’ homeworkers each, June-July 2020 & Dec-February 2021). The second instrument is a series of semi-structed interviews (4 x Interviews with 80 ‘new’ homeworkers across UK, May 2020 – July 2021).The COVID-19 outbreak has forced companies to embrace home-based working (HBW) at such speed that they have had little opportunity to consider the impact on their workers. It can be argued that the crisis has led to the most significant, intensive social experiment of digital, HBW that has ever occurred. The current situation, which involves the whole household being based at home, is an unprecedented challenge which may be at least an intermittent fixture, for the next eighteen months (BBC Futures, 25/03/20).
The press have suggested that this revolution might also offer an opportunity for many companies to finally build a culture that allows long-overdue work flexibility ... many employees for companies who have sent all staff home are already starting to question why they had to go into the office in the first place (The Guardian, 13/02/20). These optimistic takes on the current patterns of work focus on HBW's emancipatory potential, offering flexibility, the lubrication of work and family responsibilities and the promise of increased productivity. Yet, this new world order, where the home becomes a multi-occupational, multi-person workplace and school, not only challenges boundaries but also conceptions of the domestic space.
The impact of homeworking is likely to present significant variation depending on organisational support, the worker's role, socio-economic status, employment status, as well as household composition and size of living space. There are significant concerns regarding intensified HBW, including poor work-life balance, enhanced domestic tensions and disproportionately negative impacts on those in lower socio-economic groupings. Moreover,...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/05/2020 - 31/08/2021
United Kingdom
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
This project adopts two main research instruments - two online questionnaires (2 surveys of circa 1400 UK ‘new’ homeworkers each, June-July 2020 & Dec-February 2021) distributed through social media and existing contacts such as Royal Bank of Scotland, PWC, St James’s Place Wealth Management, The Federation for Small Businesses, the TUC and STUC, and Scotland CANDO, as well as professional research services. The survey questions are included in the datasheet exactly as they appeared in the online survey. The second instrument is a series of semi-structed interviews (4 x Interviews with 80 ‘new’ homeworkers across UK, May 2020 – July 2021). The question guides used in the four rounds are included in the folders with the transcripts.The two surveys focus on the perception of productivity, employment security and psychological wellbeing. The surveys compare size and population of domestic space; those that typically homework and those for which it is a novel phenomenon; the difference for those that are carers as well as comparing experiences for men and women, by job, employment status; support by employing organisation (if relevant), socio-economic status, and health status including COVID-19 diagnosis. The survey has been undertaken twice – Summer and Winter survey, to effectively understand change over the period of the pandemic. The surveys take no more than 25 minutes to complete, to try to balance depth and response rate. The research team constantly monitored patterns of responses so that we could intervene and react quickly if we needed to broaden responses from particular groups. The second element focusses on the in-depth experiences of these new working arrangements. Using a stratified sampling method, to ensure representation across occupations, socio economic status, employment status and gender, the project recruited eighty participants who were interviewed remotely, for up to ninety minutes at a time, four times, over a year (three-month intervals). The interviews focussed on change during and after a period(s) of lockdown, including transformation in work, wellbeing and domestic arrangements (including home-schooling) and elder care. We asked about mechanisms for coping, impact on mental health and bearing on future aspirations. Interviewing across time periods allowed the exploration of developments or changes in the perspectives and experiences of the participants. We adopted a naturalistic approach, where participants are interviewed in their workspace as if they are undertaking their daily work so we could be aware of interruptions and distractions.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.