Summary information
Study title
German Survey on Volunteering 2009
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA5433, Version 3.2.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.14130 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
The German Survey on Volunteering (FWS) is a representative survey on volunteering in Germany, aimed at people aged 14 and older. Voluntary activities and willingness to get involved are surveyed in telephone interviews (CATI). The Survey on Volunteering is the main basis of social reporting on volunteering in the Federal Republic of Germany and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).
The data of the Survey on Volunteering were collected in 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019. In each wave, an independent sample was drawn, resulting in five cross-sectional data sets. Previously, the surveys were managed and conducted by TNS Infratest Social Research (1999 Infratest Burke). Since the end of 2011, the scientific management has been in the hands of the German Center of Gerontology (DZA). Data collection for the fourth wave in 2014 and the fifth wave in 2019 was conducted by infas Institute for Applied Social Science.
The samples of all surveys were disproportionately stratified by state in order to achieve a sufficient sample size for separate state evaluations for each of the 16 federal states. In each case, the sampling frame was generated using the random-digit-dialing procedure (1999 random-last-digit procedure) according to the ADM standard.
The third wave was conducted in the survey period from 28.04.2009 to 30.07.2009. The 2004 Survey on Volunteers focused on the following topics: volunteering, the individual, and the context of volunteering.1. Living situation: Employment status; desire to work; receipt of unemployment benefit 1 or unemployment benefit 2 (Hartz IV); 1-Euro job; type of current education; type of school; all-day school or half-day school; regular use of all-day school; nine-year high school (G9) or eight-year high school (G8); length of residence in the place of residence (since birth, for more than 10 years, for more than 10 years, for 3 to 10 years, for less than 3 years); assessment...
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Data collection period
28/04/2009 - 30/07/2009
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Not availableUniverse
Not availableSampling procedure
Probability: Multistage
Representative random sample according to the Infratest Telephone Master Sample Method (ITMS) on the basis of the ADM telephone sample with the telephone number master list of the Federal Network Agency (BNA) and the current telephone directory.
Disproportionate sample for federal states and booster for 14 to 24 year olds.
The selection of the target person was based on the Swedish key.
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.
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