Study title
Norwegian Citizen Panel Round 24, 2022
Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (Universitetet i Bergen)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The Norwegian Citizens' Panel is an infrastructure for research, which has had a license since 2013. The Panel is a web-based survey that makes a random selection from the population. Recruitment has been done in 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Supplementary recruitment is now done annually.
There are now six research groups linked to the Norwegian Citizens' Panel:
1) Climate and environment, 2) Basic research on political behavior and democracy. 3) Diversity, extremism and human rights, 4) Health, 5) Political communication, 6) Local and regional democracy.
The data set for The Norwegian Citizen Panel Wave 24, 2022 also contains variables from previous waves, the wave number is indicated by the number after "r" in the variable name. The different datasets of the Norwegian Citizen Panel have different ID numbers to prevent the identification of individual participants across rounds. If access to data that follows participants over time (time-series/panel data) is desired, then it must be applied for by contacting DIGSSCORE ( / The same applies to text data and other data that is withheld in these datasets for privacy reasons.
The purpose will always be research linked to the Norwegian Citizens' Panel. This is mainly social science research, but we also have collaborations with humanities subjects (especially linguistics), natural sciences (especially climate research), medical subjects (especially user involvement/health prioritization/social medicine). You can read more on the websites: and
The full text for the answer options can be found in the codebook, which is located further down the page.