Study title
Political Elites in Mexico 1900-1971
Smith, Peter (Department of History, University of Wisconsin )
Study number / PID
ZA0981, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Life data of Mexican elites from various political areas from 1900 to
Topics: Year of birth and preciseness of year of birth; place of
birth; political status of place of birth; year of death and manner of
death; education levels completed; university studies at home and
abroad; city and length of studies abroad; subjects of studies; other
stays abroad; academic title and highest military title; experiences as
teacher and college instructor; other intellectual activities; number
of personal publications; occupation career; activities during the
Revolution of 1910 - 1920; start of political activity; support of
political candidates; political career.
Demography: sex; school education; vocational training; occupation;
social origins; regional origins.
Also encoded were: identification of encoder and quality of the
biographic data.