Summary information

Study title

Orange Order Lodge Membership, Northern Ireland, 1893-2000


Kaufmann, E., University of Southampton, Department of Politics

Study number / PID

4435 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-4435-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The aim of the project was to copy all surviving Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland printed county reports, for the period 1893 to 2000, held at the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Belfast.
The data records membership of Orange lodges in Antrim, Derry and Down. A future aim of the project is to fill as many of the holes in the dataset as possible through county-level research and further Orange contacts, and to regress this data against census, survey, event-history, police and electoral data. Ultimately the intention is to make an assessment as to why Orange membership and power rises or declines across time and place in Ulster, Scotland and Canada in the twentieth century.
Main Topics:

This collection contains data from all surviving Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland printed county reports on the membership of individual Orange lodges in Antrim, Derry, Down and Tyrone for the period 1893 to 2000. There are no data for Londonderry City.

There is also information on Orange lodge membership at the district level. In most cases, district membership has been computed based on individual lodge membership. However there are cases where district lodge totals were available while individual lodge membership was not (e.g. Tyrone, 1969-1986), in which case district lodge totals have been entered directly.

Please note: this study does not include information on named individuals and would therefore not be useful for personal family history research.


Data collection period

01/11/1999 - 01/06/2001


Northern Ireland

Time dimension

Time Series

Analysis unit



Orange Order lodges in Antrim, Derry, Down and Tyrone, 1893-2000

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)
All surviving Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland printed county reports were transcribed for the period 1893 to 2000.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Transcription of existing materials
Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

  The Data Collection is to be made available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Related publications

  • Kaufmann, E. (2002) 'The Decline of Sectarianism in the Anglo-Saxon West?:: A Comparison of the Orange Order in Canada and Ulster' in N. Singh and T. Vanhanen (eds.), , Delhi, India: KIRS.