Study title
Medicines, 1744 - 1963
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The material has been collected within the framework of the Academic Project at the Department of Social Research (ISF). For a more detailed description of this project, publication list etc. reference is made to the collection binders on biographical data archives in Norway, which were prepared by the Committee for Social Science Data Processing in 1969.
- The material includes biographical data for 7292 physicians with official examinations between 1744 and 1963. The main person responsible for data collection was Tore Lindbekk. Otherwise see separate PDF documentation.
- Unfortunately, names have disappeared from the original files. This is probably a result of data being transferred to the DDPP and SPSS software packages, which in early versions were not designed to handle alphabetical data.
- Serial number alphabetically in the period 1815 - 1951. can be found in "Norges Læger" For the period 1952-1963, serial numbers are sorted alphabetically within each examination year.
- Kjær II 00900->
- Kjær 00001- (
- Kobro: 10001->
- Kobro 1909-25: 20001->
- Kobro 1926-36: 30001->
- Kobro 1937-46: 40001->
- Getz 1947- 50001->
- The original data were collected in 1960-1962. Data most recently reviewed and restored in 2018.