Study title
Fashion Interests and Clothing Styles of Young People 1985
Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6074, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Moral orientations, leisure activity, interest in fashion, preferred
clothing style, satisfaction with selection, demands on quality and
price level.
Topics: Attitude to scientific surveys; necessity of expression of
opinion of young people on fashion; improvement in youth fashion as
task of the Central Council of the FDJ; reasons for dressing
fashionably (scale); interest in fashion; openness for new fashion
trends and prerequisites for this (scale); source for fashion
recommendations (scale); frequency of leisure activities (scale);
frequency of hobby activities (scale); preferred clothing for
different occasions (scale); purchase of outer wear in various
business establishments (scale); intended use of the most recently
purchased articles of clothing (scale); satisfaction with conditions
in youth fashion establishments such as selection, prices,
atmosphere; evaluation of price level; quality requirements for
different articles of clothing (scale); purchase behavior in the
search for specific articles of clothing; preferred articles of
clothing and place of manufacture (scale); preferred clothing style;
favorite colors; possession of articles of clothing made oneself;
extent and type of inventory of clothing; satisfaction with wardrobe;
personally financing clothing; wearing jewelry and fashionable
accessories; satisfaction with selection for this in facilities of
youth fashion; wearing patches, stickers; conflicts with parents or
teachers due to clothing; current fashion trends in the collective;
achievement of personal style; reading the fashion supplement of
"Junge Welt"; use of recommendations from the fashion supplement;
writing to the editorial offices with personal recommendations and
questions; participation in the competition "ideas sought"; goals in
life (scale); clothing size; occupational work with fashion; member
of FDJ; character of partner relation; number of children; amount of
net income.