Study title
Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 1)
Papacostas, Antonis (European Commission, Brussels DG Communication Public Opinion Analysis Sector)
Study number / PID
ZA4735, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitudes towards and knowledge about biodiversity.
Topics: awareness of the term ‘biodiversity‘; associations with the phrase ‘loss of biodiversity‘; self-rated knowledge about the loss of biodiversity; most important reasons to halt the loss of biodiversity: moral obligation, significance for well-being and quality of life, importance for the production of goods and the economy; seriousness of the decline and possible extinction of animal species, flora and fauna in the own country and globally; impact on the respondent; most important threats to biodiversity; awareness of the Natura 2000 network; sources of information on biodiversity; personal efforts to protect biodiversity.
Demography: sex; age; age at end of education; professional position; type of community; household composition and household size; own a mobile phone and fixed (landline) phone.
Additionally coded was: interviewer ID; language of the interview; date of interview; time of the beginning of the interview; duration of the interview; type of phone line; region; country; weighting factor.