Study title
School Well-being Profile 2009-2010: Primary School, Grades 4-6
Study number / PID
FSD2557 (FSD)
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2557 (URN)
10.60686/t-fsd2557 (DOI)
Data access
In this survey series, well-being at school is under observation. The respondents belong to four target groups: primary schools (grades 4-6), lower secondary schools (grades 7-9), upper secondary institutions, and personnel. The data are collected during each school year, and schools can independently decide in what time of the year they respond to the survey. The first datasets archived at the FSD are from the school year 2004-2005. The School Well-being Profile is based on Anne Konu's doctoral dissertation, in which well-being at school is divided into four categories: school conditions,...
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Data collection period
09/2009 - 05/2010
Time dimension
Analysis unit
4-6 graders in Finnish schools
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
Related publications
- Konu Anne & Viitanen Elina & Lintonen Tomi (2010). Teachers' well-being and perceptions on leadership practices. Journal of Workplace Health Management, Vol. 3 Iss: 1, pp. 44-57.
- Konu Anne & Lintonen Tomi (2006). School well-being in Grades 4-12. Health Education Research 2006;21(5): 633-642.
- Konu Anne & Lintonen Tomi (2006). Theory-based survey analysis of well-being in secondary schools in Finland. Health Promotion International 2006; 21(1): 27-36.
- Lintonen Tomi & Konu Anne (2006). The Well-being Profile: An Internet tool for school health promotion. Promot & Educ 2006; 8(4): 230-235.
- Konu Anne & Koivisto Anna-Maija (2011). The School Well-being Profile. A valid instrument for evaluation. In LG Chova, M Belenguer, AL Martinez: EDULEARN11 Publications. Barcelona 4th-6th of July 2011, pp. 1842-1850, IATED.
- Konu, Anne & Joronen, Katja & Lintonen, Tomi (2015). Seasonality in School Well-being. The Case of Finland. Child Indicators Research 8, 265-277. DOI: 10.1007/s12187-014-9243-9
- Konu A, Rimpelä M. 2002. Well-being in Schools - a conceptual model. Health Promot Int 17(1):79-87.
- Konu Anne (2010). Koululaisten hyvinvoinnin arviointi ja alakoulujen hyvinvointi 2000-luvulla. [The Evaluation of the Well-being of Schoolchildren, and the Well-being of Elementary Schools during 21st Century] In Joronen K and Koski A: Tunne- ja sosiaalisten taitojen vahvistaminen kouluyhteisössä. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 13-32.
- Konu Anne (2005). Hyvinvointiprofiili koulun kehittämisen välineenä [The Well-being Profile as a Tool for School Development]. Teoksessa Peltonen Heidi (toim.) Opiskelun tuki esi- ja perusopetuksessa. 2005. Opetushallitus, 256-265.
- Kylliäinen, Saija (2015). Sosiaaliset suhteet koulun työyhteisön hyvinvoinnin voimavaroina. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Terveystieteiden yksikön pro gradu -tutkielma.
- Rantaeskola, Anne (2017). Alakoululaisten kokema kouluhyvinvointi lukuvuosina 2005-2006 ja 2015-2016. Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Kasvatustieteen pro gradu -tutkielma.