Study title
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Older Citizens 1988
Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpolitik an der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA6993, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Social conditions and relations in old age, social care services and
need of care in old age.
Topics: Employment during the last 20 years; occupation
characteristics; earlier shift work and management function; current
employment; reasons for non-employment; reasons for employment after
reaching retirement age; activity in residential area; preferred
leisure activities (scale); residential status; possession of a
telephone; availability of a telephone; intents to move; preferred
form of housing; local residency; length of residence in current
residence; place of residence of children; number of children; living
together with children; household furnishings; yard / property
possession; care during illness; current medical treatment;
doctor-patient relationship; condition of health; chronic illnesses;
need of care; confinement to bed; potential contacts for assistance;
help with personal physical hygiene and jobs in household; daily warm
meal; interest in provision of lunch; persons providing help in
household; interest in a place in a home; concerns in daily life;
participation in and information about events for older citizens;
reasons for non-participation in these events; travel on vacation and
visits; earlier travel activity; leisure partner; importance of
selected areas of life such as children, occupation, friends, family,
social security, hobbies, environment, all-round education, partner
relation, peace, information, health, residence, co-determination,
work; income; additional income.