Summary information

Study title

VALU 1991 - SVT exit poll survey parliamentary election 1991


Näsman, Per (Division of Safety Research, Royal Institute of Technology)
Hernborn, Hans (Sveriges Television)
Holmberg, Sören (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)
Thedéen, Torbjörn (Division of Safety Research, Royal Institute of Technology)

Study number / PID

snd0278-1-1.1 (SND) (DOI)

Data access



Not available


In connection with the elections in 1991 the first Swedish exit poll survey was carried out. Voters leaving the polling stations were asked to fill in a questionnaire with questions on: party voted for in the general and local elections; party voted for in the general election 1988; time for decision how to vote; placement on a political left-right scale; confidence in Swedish politicians; occupational group and union membership; prime minister if a bourgeois government; church attendance. The respondents also had to indicate how important a number of issues were for the decision how to vote. Purpose: Provide analytical support for the election night broadcast on Swedish television during the election night, and for other post-election analysis.


Data collection period

12/09/1991 - 15/09/1991



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Swedish electorate

Sampling procedure

With the help of statistics concerning completed postal voting in the 1988 election (Nils Johnson and Johan Weine), 10 post offices were selected to be included in VALU-91. At the selected post offices, those who voted by mail during a morning and an afternoon shift on the Thursday and Friday before election day were asked to fill in the survey. The morning session was three hours and the afternoon session one hour. The starting point for each session was chosen randomly. On election day, VALU-91 was carried out at 26 polling stations. This corresponded to 31 electoral districts. The electoral districts were distributed among the various regions in accordance with the size of the regions in terms of the number of eligible voters. This means, for example, that fewer electoral districts were selected in the two Norrland regions than in the other regions. Within each region, the constituencies that were to be included in VALU-91 were chosen by random stratified sampling (stratified by size and geographical location within the region). In this way, 26 electoral districts were selected. For each electoral district, a morning session of 2 hours and an afternoon session of 1 hour were then selected. The starting point of the session was chosen randomly.
Mixed probability and non-probability

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire



Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Data are accessible by order.

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Not available