Study title
Research Conditions of Professors at West German Universities
Schimank, Uwe (Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA2344, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Research conditions of professors at government scientific
universities. Topics: Actual and desired time budget for teaching
activity, examinations, research, university committee work, service
duties and among doctors care for patients; projects with third-party
funding; information on institution supporting research and information
on advisory activities; number of assistents from regular university
budget as well as scientific colleagues beyond this employed from
research projects; sources of financing and persons employed from this
and scholarships provided; research cooperation; judgement on current
research situation at the university; number of published articles in
technical journals and collections; pleasant experiences in profession
and personal life; assessment of the relevance of one´s own research
work for practice; personal efforts to establish relevance for
practice; importance of professional experience in the area outside of
the university; judgement on burdening or supporting factors for the
research situation at the university; equipment, teaching burden and
research activity; perceived changes in the teaching burden in the last
few years, in self-administration effort, in obtaining third-party
funding, in furnishing with materials, in equiping positions, with
young researchers, in the cooperation opportunities and in general in
acquisition of research duties; assessment of the future development of
the situation of research at the university altogether and in one´s own
subject in particular; preference for a status quo at the universities
or desire for research universities, research professorships or
out-sourcing research to the Max-Planck Institutes; length of occupying
a teaching position as well as current teaching position. Also encoded
was: agreement with a personal interview on the same topic.