Study title
The Comparative Parliamentary Democracy Data Archive
Bergman, Torbjörn (Department of Political Science, Umeå University)
Strøm, Kaare (The Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego)
Müller, Wolfgang (Department of Government, University of Vienna)
Study number / PID (DOI)
The Comparative Parliamentary Democracy Data Archive data set consist of cabinet-level data of 17 Western European democracies for post-WWII cabinets through January 1, 1999. All together, a total of 424 coalitions, single party and non-partisan cabinets are included. Data for Greece, Portugal and Spain exist only after their democratizations in the 1970s, while data on France is limited to the Fifth Republic beginning in 1959. For the purposes of our data set, it can be said that the world "froze" on January 1, 1999. The last observation in each country is coded on the basis on the information that was available on that day.
The Comparative Parliamentary Democracy project examines West European parliamentary politics from a principal–agent perspective.
The ZIP file consist sav files (for SPSS) and documentation in pdf format (codebooks).