Study title
Executives and Leadership Structures in Private Businesses (Augsburg Study, Survey of Businesses)
Lukatis, Ingrid (Sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg )
Lukatis, Wolfgang (Sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg )
Study number / PID
ZA0674, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Description of leadership structure as well as requirements of training
and further education of company executives by company management.
Topics: Organizational principle of the company; number and
designation of hierarchy levels of the company; type of position
designations; number of employees and average income at the various
hierarchy levels; employment of academics; company re-organization in
the last few years; utilization of external advisers; use of leadership
directions and position descriptions; decision committee with authority
disputes; regularly conducting and type of employee evaluations;
training junior executives in the business; manner of applicant search
and applicant selection regarding respective hierarchy levels; entry
position and starting salary for college graduates; reasons for not
hiring graduates; perceived weaknesses in college education of business
people; most important subjects in college education; possibilities to
increase the practicality of college education; requirement profile of
a graduate; training time and possible measures to reduce this; topics,
type as well as extent of further education measures within the company
and outside of the company; instructors used with measures for further
education; attitude to participation of company employees in distance
learning courses or classroom studies; possible goals of classroom
studies; interest of the company in university contacts; legal form of
company; characterization of share owners; founding year of business
and of the operation; fusion data; share of export; changes of the need
for personnel; proportion of women among the employees; primary type of
production in the company; use of electronic data processing; size of
data processing facility; occupation career.
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; number of children;
ages of children (classified); religious denomination; school
education; vocational training; regional origins.