Study title
Young People in Pforzheim 1994
Freiburger Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft (FIFAS), Freiburg
Amt für Jugend und Familie der Stadt Pforzheim
Study number / PID
ZA2797, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Leisure activities of young people in Pforzheim. Degree of familiarity
of youth offerings. Social situation. Topics: Nationality; length of
residence; housing situation; number of rooms; personal room; possible
to meet with friends in residence; advantages and deficits of the
residential surroundings; school and occupational situation; amount of
pocket-money. Leisure time: leisure time budget per day; leisure
activities prevented and importance of selected leisure goals (scale);
preferred places for leisure activities; most important leisure
partner; conduct going out during the week and on weekends; leisure
time with others; going to the theater and movies as well as trips to
the city library; frequency of meeting in cliques and their
composition; problems in youth clique; friendships; friends of other
nationalities and place of meeting; vacation trip during vacation; type
of vacation and accompanyment during vacation; knowledge about the
Pforzheim vacation pass for children and young people; possession of
this vacation pass; membership in a club or a youth group; reasons for
non-membership in an organization; boredom in leisure time. Offerings
for young people in Pforzheim: offerings missed; primary meeting places
with young people in Pforzheim; knowledge of Pforzheim youth centers or
meeting places as well as of advice centers and their use; attitude to
youth meeting places (scale); knowledge about gender-specific leisure
offerings and desire for more offerings of this type. Demography:
number of siblings; extent of employment of father and mother. Also
encoded was: place of interview; presence of others during interview
and their degree of relationship to respondent; intervention of others
in the course of the interview; cooperation of respondent.