Study title
Attitudes towards Welfare State and Social Inequality
Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA6636, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitudes towards welfare state and social inequality.
Topics: attitudes towards the economic future and development of Germany; assessment of one´s own financial future or situation; assessment of life risks; associations with the term welfare state; expectations towards the welfare state, satisfaction with the welfare state.
Questions on social justice: assessment of the status and development of social differences in Germany; approval of statements on social justice; attitudes towards social security; opinions on income and wealth differences; assessment of measures for more social justice.
Attitudes towards the minimum wage; judgment on social payload; approval to statements about the system of social security in Germany.
Attitudes towards social advancement; assessment of one´s own situation; things which give the respondent a sense of security.
Attitudes towards poverty and wealth in Germany: reasons, definitions, assessment of development in Germany.
Demography: sex; age; education; employment; occupational position; household size and household composition; party sympathy; self-classification of social class.
Additionally coded was: respondent ID; weighting factor; city size (BIK and political municipality size classes); federal state.