Study title
Germany after the Change of Government
IPOS, Institut für praxisorientierte Sozialforschung, Mannheim
Bundesverband deutscher Banken, Gesellschaft für Bankpublizität, Köln
Study number / PID
ZA3221, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Expectations of the new government and
judgement on the top politicians in the government.
most important problems in Germany;
party preference (Sunday question);
personal expectations of the planned tax reform;
judgement on the tax reform;
attitude to reduction of the maximum tax rate;
attitude to increase in the petroleum tax and abandoning atomic energy;
attitude to correction of the reduction in the level of pensions;
expected policies of the new middle through the new government;
loss of prestige for the chancellor from Stollmann's
giving up his candidacy for the office as Minister of Trade and Commerce;
satisfaction with filling individual minister positions;
assumed problem-solving ability of the new government;
expectation of great political changes through the change of government;
mood of new beginning from the change of government;
expected reduction in unemployment.
school education;
occupational training;
marital status;
jeopardy to one's job;
occupational position;
household size and persons 18 years old and older;
union membership;
religious denomination;
frequency of church attendance;
city size.