Study title
Flash Eurobarometer 416 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, wave 2)
European Commission, Brussels DG Communication COMM A1 ´Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer´ Unit
Study number / PID
ZA6286, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Knowledge and interest in information.
Topics: Familiarity with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; awareness of the legal status of the Charter; knowledge of the application of the Charter; institutions or bodies to which the respondent would turn in case his rights are being violated; interest in having more information about the Charter of the fundamental rights of the European Union (content of the Charter (Fundamental Rights as an EU citizen), where to turn if own rights enshrined in the Charter are violated, application of the Charter, the history and political context of the Charter).
Demography: sex; age; age when stopped full-time education; current occupational position; number of persons aged 15 and over in household (size of household); region; type of community; possession of a landline phone and a mobile phone.
Additionally coded was: weighting factor.