Summary information

Study title

KEU Follow-up Survey 2010


Oxford Research AS

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The current follow-up survey is based on interviews with 1,914 companies divided into 26 different services and programmes. The 26 services and programs are divided into four main groups. Group 1 is Loans, group 2 is Grants, group 3 is Programs that offer both financing, advice and networking, while group 4 is Scholarships. It is important to emphasize that Innovation Norway provides advice related to all its services and programs, but there are some services and programs that have advice as part of the program content itself - not just advice related to the actual case management. The services and programs that are not included in the survey are mainly linked to profiling and internationalisation, guarantees and compensation for increased employer's contribution tax. In addition, some of the network programs are omitted from the survey (for example, neither the Arena nor the NCE program is included). The reason why these services are kept out is primarily that the survey scheme is less suitable for these services and programmes, and that there are separate effect measurements for these. Innovation Norway was established on 1 January 2004.


Data collection period

03/2014 - 05/2014


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


Innovation Norway



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available