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Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
Study number / PID
ZA5294, Version 3.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.12361 (DOI)
Data access
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Not available
Description of the situation in family, everyday life, home and living environment. Gender role. Health. Knowledge of foreign languages. Occupation. Political issues.
1. Face-to-face interview: work: sex; age (year of birth); employment in the last week; reasons why not employed; employment in the past; age at dismissal of last job; weekly working time in full-time occupation and in possible side jobs; professional position; supervisor function; travel time to the workplace (hours and minutes); employment in the public service, in a self-employed company, headquarters or branch of a company; sector; profession (ISCO); weekly working days; regular number of hours per week; length of service in years; company size; union membership; job satisfaction; intention to terminate employment; endangerment of employment; assessment of opportunities to find an equivalent job in the case of job loss; current job search; foreign trade relations of the company.
Family: marital status; description of the employment situation of the partner: weekly working hours in full-time jobs and possible part-time jobs, professional status, supervisor function, industry, profession (ISCO), number of working days per week, regular weekly working hours; years of employment at the company, size of company; age of partner; cohabitation with the partner; living together with one or both parents of the respondent or his or her partner; details of the respondent´s and partner’s parents: age, marital status, current employment of the parents; number of children (including deceased); details of all children: sex, still living in the parental household, age, marital status, occupation; household size; household composition; information on all family members with regard to: kinship, sex and age; number of family members who are temporarily separated from the family, their relationship to the respondent and reason for living apart from the family; head of the household; sources of household income and...
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Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.